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My 2 Day Diet Experience – Progress Review – Month 1

Rather than posting every week with my progress on the 2 Day Diet, I will be saving my updates for a monthly post.  This is now the end of the first month so let’s see how things are going.

I am sticking with two days a week quite easily.  For those two days, I am planning my meals and sticking to them.  I admit that I am using prepackaged meals as I don’t want to be bothered with cooking small meals, but it is going well. Continue reading

My 2 Day Diet Experience – Progress Review – Week 1

OK, so I have started doing the 2 Day Diet and it is now the end of Week 1 and time to report on how things went.

Well I have managed to set aside two days out of the week to cut my calories.  Probably the most important thing I did was to plan for those days.  In particular I planned exactly what food I was going to have so that I could plan the calorie intake and hopefully limit myself to just that amount of food. Continue reading

The Fast Diet / 2 Day Diet – My plan for doing it

Having tried other diets and weight loss methods with limited or no success, I am going to try the Fast Diet, otherwise known as the 2 Day Diet.

I am not grossly overweight or anything like that, but the days of fitting into 32 or 33 inch jeans when I was twenty years old have gradually morphed into accepting that I need 36 inch jeans in my mid thirties. There has been a gradual creep in the gut area. And comparing pictures taken then and now, even my face has gained a little padding. Continue reading